$500 for three hours of unbundled legal services for family law! (Save 55%)
Last year this promotion was very popular so I decided to do it again!
Receive up to three hours of unbundled (aka à la carte) family law services for just $500! Use this time for consultation, coaching, document drafting and review and more! Represent yourself in court with an edge! This is perfect for in pro per family law litigants with a limited budget who cannot afford full representation, but still could use a helping hand with their case.
Here’s some example projects I could assist you with:
- General consultation about starting a new case or your existing one. Ask questions, discuss strategy, document review and more.
- Assistance preparing a Request For Order (i.e. Court Motion) for child custody or visitation. I can help with initial orders or modification of existing orders.
- Assistance preparing a Request For Order (i.e. Court Motion) for child or spousal support.
- Assistance preparing your Declaration of Disclosure (an important mandatory step in the divorce process). This would include things the all important Declaration of Disclosure.
- Assistance with discovery requests. Help get the documents and information you need from the other side to investigate, assist settlement of your case and/or proof your case at trial.
- Assistance with discovery responses. Proper compliance is very important or you can be sanctioned by the court $1000 or more. This includes responses to form interrogatories, special interrogatories, requests for production of documents and requests for admissions. We could also discuss how to handle yourself at a deposition.
- Help with the mediation process during child custody and visitation disputes. Mediation is a critical step if children are involved. Let’s talk about how to put your best foot forward and get a favorable mediation report!
- Strategies for trying to settle your case including settlement offers and proposed marital settlement agreements. Many in pro per parties get hung up at this step. It’s important to try and settle your case effectively. Let’s have a strategy session!
To schedule an appointment, please call me at 916.973.8288 or even better, send me an e-mail with brief details about your case. I check my e-mail several times a day and it is the fastest way to reach me: mwcrosson@gmail.com
Offer expires 12.15.16.
[Photo Credit: frankieleon on Flickr (CC BY 2.0)]